Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day..!!!!

You made me believe, that Santa's exist,
everytime when you presented me, with a cute gift..

You made me believe, that Superman's are reality,
whenever you were there, to save me from every difficulty..

You tell me to always rise,
overcoming all the sighs..

You are there to hold me strong,
when things with me go wrong..

Your love is there, unconditionally for me,
when people out there, point at me bluntly..

Your guidance is always there to guide me,
when the world  is ready to mislead me..

You gave me the freedom, to be just 'me',
when the world out there, stood comparing me..

You are always there, with unconditional support,
to whenever and whatever, I madly chose..

Your blessings I will require, each and every moment,
without them my life will be, a flower bereft of any fragrance..

Thank you for being my first hero, my first love,
Thank you for believing in me, and nurturing me..

Praising you today, makes me so glad,
as I wish a very Happy Father's day, to you O my special Dad !!!!